Taking your baby to the emergency room?

Bring your lawyer.

Families are being torn apart by unfounded accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

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Taking your baby to the Emergency Room?

Families are being torn apart by unfounded accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

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If you have been falsely accused of shaking your baby, check out our resources page

If you have been falsely accused of shaking your baby, check out our resources page

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What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Doctors and CPS are using flawed research and circular reasoning to tear families apart.

We Need Your Help To Fight For Justice.

Torn Family uses your donations to help end the injustices of false SBS accusations.

The Story That Started Torn Family.

When they brought Naomi to the ER, accusations of abuse were the last thing the Burns expected.

What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Doctors and CPS are using flawed research and circular reasoning to tear families apart.

Learn More

We Need Your Help To Fight For Justice.

Torn Family uses your donations to help end the injustices of false SBS accusations.

Donate Now

The Story That Started Torn Family.

When they brought Naomi to the ER, the last thing the Burns expected was accusations of abuse.

Their Story

Shaken baby syndrome burst into the national spotlight in 1997,

when a young British nanny was charged with murder. Twenty years later, the scientific debate about possible causes of the syndrome continue to shape child abuse cases today.

Shaken baby syndrome burst into the national spotlight in 1997, when a young British nanny was charged with murder. Twenty years later, the scientific debate about possible causes of the syndrome continue to shape child abuse cases today.

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BREAKING NEWS!  Josh Burns’s conviction VACATED!

Judge signs vacate order: Michigan Innocence Clinic has been working with the state’s attorney general’s office to petition an order to vacate Josh’s unjust conviction. This order was supported by our current prosecutor and the judge signed off on the order.

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Sign the Imschweiler Petition!

In 2018, tragedy came to the Imschweiler family.

Tom and Laura’s four-month-old baby Franklin contracted a severe case of hand food and mouth disease, which caused him to exhibit a 104° fever. The baby was also experiencing issues keeping food down. A doctor however, reassured the Imschweiler family that the virus would run its course.

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Michigan Innocence Clinic Wins New Trials For Tonia Miller

Some good news today: The Michigan Innocence Clinic was able to get a new trial for Tonia Miller, a falsely accused victim in an SBS case that Torn Family board member Jeremy Praay has been involved in.

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BREAKING NEWS!  Josh Burns’s conviction VACATED!

Judge signs vacate order: Michigan Innocence Clinic has been working with the state’s attorney general’s office to petition an order to vacate Josh’s unjust conviction. This order was supported by our current prosecutor and the judge signed off on the order.

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Sign the Imschweiler Petition!

In 2018, tragedy came to the Imschweiler family.

Tom and Laura’s four-month-old baby Franklin contracted a severe case of hand food and mouth disease, which caused him to exhibit a 104° fever. The baby was also experiencing issues keeping food down. A doctor however, reassured the Imschweiler family that the virus would run its course.

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Michigan Innocence Clinic Wins New Trials For Tonia Miller

Some good news today: The Michigan Innocence Clinic was able to get a new trial for Tonia Miller, a falsely accused victim in an SBS case that Torn Family board member Jeremy Praay has been involved in.

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