We Need Your Help To Fight For Justice.


Every year, thousands of people are accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Some even face death row. We need your help to protect justice. Your donations will go towards educational events, materials, and lobbying to increase awareness of the issues of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

You can make checks payable to Torn Family Inc., and mail to:
9931 E. Grand River
Brighton MI 48116

Thank you!

Torn Family Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax-deductible.

Every year, thousands of people are accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Some even face death row. We need your help to protect justice. Your donations will go towards educational events, materials, and lobbying to increase awareness of the issues of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

You can make checks payable to Torn Family Inc., and mail to:
9931 E. Grand River
Brighton MI 48116

Thank you!

Torn Family Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization; all donations are tax-deductible.